Are reusable pads better for the environment?

Reusable pads are a great option for anyone who has a period. Find out more about WUKA reusable pads and whether or not they’re better for the environment.
What are reusable pads?
Reusable pads are sanitary pads that you can wear, wash and then re-use throughout your cycle. They usually last for around two years if cared for properly, and can be a complete replacement for disposable pads.
Reusable pads are a great option for anyone who wants to reduce their carbon footprint and take steps towards a more sustainable period. They can be used alongside other methods of protection, or by themselves in place of a disposable pad. And they’re worn just like a normal pad, inside your underwear, usually with poppers to keep them in place. Some have removable gussets, and some are made in one piece.
How are the WUKAx Mooncup reusable pads made?
WUKA reusable pads are a little bit special. Whereas most reusable pads are made from either cotton or bamboo fibre, ours are made from the offcuts from our period pants. Yes, that’s right. We don’t waste a single stitch here at WUKA!
We recently partnered with Mooncup to create the WUKA x Mooncup reusable pads collection which are organic reusable liners, day pads and night pads that can be used alone, or with the Mooncup on your heaviest days. They’re made using offcuts from our organic cotton period pants and they’re the perfect solution for all to use.
WUKA x Mooncup reusable pads are available in medium and heavy flow, holding from 15ml (medium) to 20ml+ of period blood. When you’re done, simply rinse, wash and leave to line dry ready for next time. Simple!
They’re super soft and absorbent, a great backup for when you want to either double up, or you don’t have any period pants to hand. The liners are also great if you experience spotting, or light-flow days- they hold up to 10ml of blood.

What are the benefits of using reusable pads?
There are SO many benefits to using reusable pads!
Kind to the planet
Let’s start with the obvious benefits for the planet. Each year in the UK, a staggering 200,000 tonnes of disposable period products are dumped into landfill where they’re just left to rot.
A further 2 billion menstrual items are flushed down the loo each year too, sending all that plastic (most disposable period product contain up to 90% plastic!) into our oceans and waterways. Swapping those disposable pads for reusable alternatives can save 200 of these disposables from polluting our planet.
Kind to your body
Then there’s the benefits to your body. Disposable pads and tampons could contain nasty chemicals and harmful PFAs that you really don’t want to be expoing yourself to- least of all exposing your vagina to them!
WUKA reusable pads do not contain any chemicals whatsoever- all the materials we use are planet friendly, animal friendly and contain no added chemicals, such as silver or antibacterial treatments, stain-resistant or PFAs. All of our products are also independently tested by Highstreet Textile Testing Services Ltd (HTTS) who guarantee there is zero trace of PFA's in our products.
Kind to your wallet
Reusable pads are budget friendly too. Ok, so initial costs are higher than disposable pads, but in the long run you spend less, as once you have them you don’t need to re-buy them. If you care for them properly, they’ll last two up to two years.
Kind to the first-timers
Reusable pads are a great option for those who just aren’t sure about reusable period products. We get it. We know what we know, and we get used to the method that we’re given when we first start our period. But if you are looking to have a more sustainable period, reusable pads are a great place to start. Use with a Mooncup for extra back up.

Are reusable pads sustainable?
Yes, yes, yes! Reusable pads are a fantastic sustainable option for anyone who has a period. Mooncup and WUKA are united to end waste- we’re determined to make it affordable and attainable to everyone, to enable us all to turn our backs on single-use plastic disposables, riddled with chemicals and clogging up our planet.
Reusable pads give you back the control, allowing you to live your life and to manage your period safely and ethically.
Is it possible to have a sustainable period?
It’s definitely possible to have a sustainable period, and here at WUKA we’re passionate about showing you how. Single-use products are no longer the only option out there, and it’s time we all joined together to stand against the plastic pollution of our planet.
It’s a sad fact that most menstruating people just don’t know about the optics available to them; we grow up using the same products that our mothers gave us, and their mothers before them. But now with options such as the Mooncup x WUKA reusable pads, you no longer need to settle for the devil you know! Make the switch today- to protect your health, your bank balance and the planet!
Ps, tune in on Earth Hour (25th March 2023, 89pm) for 50% off WUKA! One hour. Once a year. Time to switch.

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Are Reusable Period Pads Good You?
Reusable Period Pads are a great plastic-free alternative for eco-friendly periods. Complete with poppers and wings, simply fasten them to your underwear for period protection throughout the day.
How Do You Keep Reusable Pads From Smelling?
We suggest soaking or rinsing your reusable pads before washing, to remove stains and blood, and reduce any musty smells (which is common with period blood).
Do You Wear Sanitary Pads With Period Pants?
This is totally up to you. Period pants are a complete replacement for pads and tampons. If you want extra protection or have heavier nights, you can pair pads with period pants. We recommend using reusable pads, rather than single-use pads, which is better for your body and the planet.
Do WUKA pads contain PFA's?
The simple answer is no! WUKA has been committed since day one to not use any harmful chemicals in the production of our products. All of the materials that we use are planet friendly, animal friendly and contain no added chemicals, such as silver or antibacterial treatments, stain-resistant or Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs or PFSAs). All WUKA are independently tested by Highstreet Textile Testing Services Ltd (HTTS) who guarantee there is zero trace of PFA's in our products